Tuesday 31 December 2013

Happy New Year 2013

Hi, welcome to my blog
After so long i wanted to have place for me to write,
finally I have my new blog. I used to write blog years ago but i just feel like i want to start everything new. I always have headache because i think a lot! i hope i can write things that bombarded in my head. So here we go. my first post will be 2013/2014

2013 ran so fast. Too many things happen in 2013. get married, work hard, study hard, travel hard. most of the time on the road driving.

Hope for 2014: Give more, Cook more, eat healthy, stay positive, better muslim, better career and better wife.

Dream for 2014: Live in my own house. Let it be small or just a rent house. But i can go back from work, cook to my husband,watching tv, read books, chit chatting with husband in my own house.

However however I know Allah has the best plan for me. Therefore i just pray the best!
