Wednesday 14 October 2015

Happy New Year 2015

Oh my God! after a year i just found this blog again!

its already 2015!

this post was in the draft. So i decided to publish today. hehe

Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Allahuakbar.

Look back on what i wrote in 2013 i almost achieve everything now

"2013 ran so fast. Too many things happen in 2013. get married, work hard, study hard, travel hard. most of the time on the road driving.

Hope for 2014: Give more, Cook more, eat healthy, stay positive, better muslim, better career and better wife.

Dream for 2014: Live in my own house. Let it be small or just a rent house. But i can go back from work, cook to my husband,watching tv, read books, chit chatting with husband in my own house."


Now i am living together with my husband.Its a small renting house in the middle of the jungle in small state southern Malaysia. haha

I cook almost everyday. I drink lemon with green tea every on weekdays.(weekend malas) haha. 
I have changed to 3 different workplace. I miss my first posting. but the latest satisfy most of my career passion. I love doing what i am doing. Alhamdulillah

Today is 14 Oct 2015 and 1 Muharam 1437H alhamdulillah another new chapter in life

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